Sunday, August 2, 2009


The defination of thw word 'Euthanasia' refers to the practice of ending a life in a painless manner.It can come in various forms including animal and also human euthanasia.Though this once common practice is banned in most countries ,some countries such as The Netherlands or THailand, This practice is still legal and is commonly practiced.

I feel this practice should be banned from every country.The first reason to why i say so is because there are some who do not understand this practice.Children for example might see thing differently from the adults.What the adults call ending the life painlessly can easily be seen as murder to the children.People have their time to pass on and i feel that natural death is the most gracefull way to go.

Another reason why i think euthanasia should be banned is that i believe most people would choose to spend their final hours with their family.Although euthanasia ends one suffering life painlessly People throughout the world prefer to spend their last hours with their family.For example,if i were dieing i would rather confess everything to my family before i die ,even if it means suffering till the end .In other words euthanasia i almost useless as it will increase pain for deceasesd family instead.

People choose euthanasia when they are suffering untoleratable pain but miracles do happen every once in a while and there might be a chance that those who have chosen euthanasia might have a second chance to live.From my point of view.those who choose to end their life quickly were either completely broken down or just could not think straight.They could have lived if the did not choosse to die.

Therefore in conclusion i think euthanasia should be banned from evey country.

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