Sunday, August 23, 2009

'What does it mean to be a Singaporean.'

Being Singaporean means a whole lot to me.In fact i can not describe it in words.Singapore is special in so many ways.For example our national icon is a hybrid of a mermaid and a lion,The Merlion.For a small country we are actually ne of the best when it comes to technology.Being Singaporean actually brings up a lot of oppurtunities for us.Being multi racial also teaches us valuble experiences.In short ,being singaporean means oppurtunities for me .

Being a young Singaporean i used to wonder why people fought each other.I also realised we are multi racial and that is beneficial for our whole lifes.Singapore has in fact tought me to be a lot better person.Its education not only focuses on general topics like math and science but the education teaches us morally by letting us experience the lesson.I feel that what Singapore can do for me is teach me what is right and wrong so i can better prepare for the world.

If given a chance i would leave Singapores shores to set a better life for myself.Singapore is special ,that i can not deny, but it is also limited so i must leave to find the better.Leaving singapore also gives me a chance to see the world in a different view and how they see us.Leaving singapore gives countries a better chance to strengthen their relations with singapore and therefore to evade war.But no matter how far i travel Singapore remains my true home that is what Singapore is to me.

Monday, August 17, 2009

Book Review (Journey to the end of the world)

The book Journey to the end of the world is a continuation af another book called When the snow fell.Both were written by Hanning Mankell.This story is about joel who has finally completed his education .One day ,he received a letter telling him the whereabouts of his missing mother,Mummy Jenny.Joels father Samuel who is a retired sailor joins joel in his search for mummy jenny which took them across the world from Germany to Brazil.Joel who is in love with the ocean is aspiring to be a sailor just like his father was.This came tru for a short while when they were hired aboard a ship headed for Brazil.It took them at least a year to find mummy jenny.Joel who is still a little bit immature has to change his perspective in this book in order to suceed in finding his mother
I would definately recommend this book to others.This book is touching and at the same time comedic.It potrays what teenagers go through in their final teenage years and into full adulthood.

Sunday, August 2, 2009


The defination of thw word 'Euthanasia' refers to the practice of ending a life in a painless manner.It can come in various forms including animal and also human euthanasia.Though this once common practice is banned in most countries ,some countries such as The Netherlands or THailand, This practice is still legal and is commonly practiced.

I feel this practice should be banned from every country.The first reason to why i say so is because there are some who do not understand this practice.Children for example might see thing differently from the adults.What the adults call ending the life painlessly can easily be seen as murder to the children.People have their time to pass on and i feel that natural death is the most gracefull way to go.

Another reason why i think euthanasia should be banned is that i believe most people would choose to spend their final hours with their family.Although euthanasia ends one suffering life painlessly People throughout the world prefer to spend their last hours with their family.For example,if i were dieing i would rather confess everything to my family before i die ,even if it means suffering till the end .In other words euthanasia i almost useless as it will increase pain for deceasesd family instead.

People choose euthanasia when they are suffering untoleratable pain but miracles do happen every once in a while and there might be a chance that those who have chosen euthanasia might have a second chance to live.From my point of view.those who choose to end their life quickly were either completely broken down or just could not think straight.They could have lived if the did not choosse to die.

Therefore in conclusion i think euthanasia should be banned from evey country.

Draft 3

Rain thundered down on the barren roads. He could not believe what he had seen .Dead bodies were everywhere. Their pungent smell filled the air. Though the riot was over the sound of gunshots echoed in his ear. He knew he was having illusions but his sixth sense tells him there was another force coming. It sent chills down his spine.

Anand was alone in the middle of the war zone. He was desperately trying to escape but all efforts were in vain.In a blink of an eye Sinhalese troop stormed the abandoned village. They were monsters carrying guns and riding in tanks. They were bent on war.Anand ran as far as his legs could carry him.

Anand found shelter in an old gas station and remained hidden. He cried silently while thinking back to the past. He taught of the horror of how his beloved wife and children died in the most gruesome way. However, another spark triggered in his mind. He wanted revenge. It burned like a sun within him. He stormed out and picked up a gun from a corpse of a Sinhalese soldier and went on a rampage.It appears as though nothing could stop him.The gun he was holding possesed him like a ghost.He lost his mind.

Soon after his rampage began. He was grabbed and forced down.

“Where're the others?” the Sinhala soldier asked.

“How would I know?”

“You're shooting us. How could you not know?”

“I just wanted revenge. You've killed my family.”

After the short conversation, a blast broke out and while everyone ran in panic, Anand was grabbed by a man that looks like from his religion.Panicking,the light from Anand's sight faded.He fainted on the spot. They took him to a huge truck which then ran at full throttle out of the war zone.It was pitch black,Anand could hear feint voices but could not see anything in front of him.

“Welcome. Who're you?”

“Anand. Survivor of the attack.”

“Why were you dumb enough to attack a platoon alone?”

“I wanted revenge. They've took everything from me.”

“Join us. We promise revenge. We too are in the same boat.”

“Who are you people? How would you know how I feel?”

“The Tamil Tigers. Every pain that you felt, we felt it too.”

During the cause of conversation, anand and the stranger arrived at what seemed to be the Tamil Tiger’s base camp,better known as the Tigers.The tought of revenge burned him and his thoughts were focused on only one thing. With only revenge in his mind he joined them not knowing what will happen. He joined just for his family. He longed to see their smilling faces even if it was just once more. This was his driving force.

After three years with the tigers, Anand has completely changed. He is now commander of the Tamil Tigers. He is the head behind all the Tiger’s operations, such as the bombing at a tourist resort. He also realised that violence will not solve everything and has tried to make peace. During the 2004 tsunami, he signed a treaty and in turn everything for a peaceful for once. However after his friend who risked everything for peace was murdered by a Sinhala.War broke loose.It was the same as taking a tigers food as this will enrage it. This was a was a do or die.

The skies echoed a fighter bombers.B-2 stealth bombers were seen from the ground.What seemed like birds from ground troops will deliver hell straight on. They have reached the Tigers headquarters. Anands mission is coming to an end. The Sinhalese have retaliated after the Tamil Tigers launched an air raid. Ground units were closing in. Anand has no where to run.Not knowing where or what to do he remained hidden in his underground bunker hoping his soldiers can fight off the raid.He was at the end of the rope.He has no more ideas or solutions. He now knows his mistake-revenge solves nothing.

There was a loud bang on the door.This was followed by ghastly screams and finally,the sound of an anti tank gun..The bangs soon turned to explosions that were defeaning.The 2 foot thick door protecting Anand was open.He has no where left to run.In a desperate attempt, he took out a pistol hidden in his boots and shot everyone.The waves of people were never ending. Anand is soon cornerned and eventually captured. All his struggles were useless. Most of the tigers were already killed on the nearby beach where some tried to escape by a boat but unsucessfully. Some were swimming for their lives in a last attempt .Only God could help them but He was not on their side.They all had a watery grave.

Anand was taken to prison. He is to be executed.He broke down crushed by the failure to complete his mission.He just sat in the cell lokking like a vegetable.He tried his best but it was not enough.To him,God gave him a chance but he failed. As the executioner walked in,Anand saw his life pass by him. Ironicly enough ,the place he is going to die, is the same place where he became a Tamil Tiger.