Saturday, July 25, 2009

Totto Chan book review

The book' Totto Chan' is simply a memoir of the authors childhood.It starts from her mother getting to know that Totto chan is getting expelled from school. She then looks for a new and different school .Totto chan chan was soon admitted to Tomoe Gakuen school where the classes were train carts.It was a weird school and the headmaster loved kids . He gave them freedom to learn whatever was needed through experience.Totto chan's life changed when the school was bombed during the world war period.The headmaster said he was looking foward to building another school similar to Tomoe Gakuen.

The story is intriguing and one surprised me.Totto chan lost her wallet in the bathroom when it got flushed down the toilet. She desperately took out everything looking for it.Even the tile floors near thr drainage pipe . The headmaster walked by doing his morning walk.To my surprise he did not scold Totto chan after seeing what she had done.Instead he said"When your done promise to put everything back okay?" and then he simply left.

I will definately recommend this book to others as it shows the different needs of children.It also shows that everyone is different and that is what makes them special.This book is also an inspiration.Above all the comedy of this book is entertaining to the young and also old.

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