Saturday, July 18, 2009

reflection on Xinjiang riots

In the month of July the city of Urumqi in China experienced a racial riot between Muslim Uighurs and Han chinese.According to the article xinjiang has been a hotbed of ethnic tension that was fostered by an ecnomic gap betwwen the Uighurs and the Han chinese.Mr Shi Guanzheng blamed the government for failing to quicly quell the Han Chinese protests.Within the region capital it was estimated that around 1080 people were injured and already 156 people were dead.
I feel this riot can lead to a bigger problem if not stopped.The affected region is near Chinas border.Since the riots are an internal problems neighbouring countries might take advantage and take over the territory.This can lead to war.I also feel this is quite unfair to the Muslim in the region.Most Muslim are not violent and its difficult for them to retaliate.This is due to their religion.
The government could have made a choice faster to stop this trouble.BUt personally i do not blame the government.China is a big country and the bigger the country is the harder it is to control it.The effect can be felt when we play war games.The more territory we control the harder it is to maintain it.

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