Saturday, July 25, 2009

Totto Chan book review

The book' Totto Chan' is simply a memoir of the authors childhood.It starts from her mother getting to know that Totto chan is getting expelled from school. She then looks for a new and different school .Totto chan chan was soon admitted to Tomoe Gakuen school where the classes were train carts.It was a weird school and the headmaster loved kids . He gave them freedom to learn whatever was needed through experience.Totto chan's life changed when the school was bombed during the world war period.The headmaster said he was looking foward to building another school similar to Tomoe Gakuen.

The story is intriguing and one surprised me.Totto chan lost her wallet in the bathroom when it got flushed down the toilet. She desperately took out everything looking for it.Even the tile floors near thr drainage pipe . The headmaster walked by doing his morning walk.To my surprise he did not scold Totto chan after seeing what she had done.Instead he said"When your done promise to put everything back okay?" and then he simply left.

I will definately recommend this book to others as it shows the different needs of children.It also shows that everyone is different and that is what makes them special.This book is also an inspiration.Above all the comedy of this book is entertaining to the young and also old.

Saturday, July 18, 2009

'Sri Lankan Conflict' and plot

-S.W.R.D. Bandaranaike became prime minister in 1956 and championed Sinhalese nationalism, making Sinhala the country's only official language

-The Tamil minority's mounting resentment toward the Sinhalese majority's monopoly on political and economic power, exacerbated by cultural and religious differences, erupted in bloody violence in 1983.

-Tamil rebel groups, the strongest of which were the Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam, or Tamil Tigers, began a civil war to fight for separate nation.

-President Ranasinghe Premadasa was assassinated at a May Day political rally in 1993, when a Tamil rebel detonated explosives strapped to himself.

-Tamil extremists have frequently resorted to terrorist attacks against civilians.

-Intense political rivalry threatened the peace process

-On Dec. 26, 2004, a tremendously powerful tsunami ravaged 12 Asian countries.

-About 38,000 people were reported killed in Sri Lanka.

-President Kumaratunga and the Tamil Tigers reached a deal in June 2005 to share about $4.5 billion in international aid to rebuild the country.

-In September talks, the government lifted its ban on the group, and the Tigers dropped their demand for an independent Tamil state.

-Another significant breakthrough came in December when the Tigers and the government struck a power-sharing deal that would give the rebels regional autonomy.

-But negotiations in 2003 achieved little.

-In 2006, repeated violations of the 2002 cease-fire on both sides turned into outright war

-By April, the Tigers were cornered on a small stretch of coastline in the north-east of the country.

-Civilian Tamils streamed out of the area into refugee camps that struggled to provide food and medical attention

- Tiger fighting force was down to as few as 1000 members.


INTRO-Tamil family stuck in raid

- Anand ,son of the family only survivor

- Wanted revenge , joined Tamil tigers

RISING SUSPENSE-After 3 years with tigers he became the leader

- Led them to victory countless times

- Signed peace treaty during 2004 tsunami

- Friend died during violence ,War broke loose

Climax- Launched air raid on sinhala government

- They retaliated ,Tigers on verge of defeat

-Anand captured, remaining cornered on a beach town.

- Described as bloodbath

- Anand makes desparate last stand captured and taken to prison.

RESOLUTION- reflects on life

- Shot to death

- Died at the same spot where he first vowed for revenge

reflection on Xinjiang riots

In the month of July the city of Urumqi in China experienced a racial riot between Muslim Uighurs and Han chinese.According to the article xinjiang has been a hotbed of ethnic tension that was fostered by an ecnomic gap betwwen the Uighurs and the Han chinese.Mr Shi Guanzheng blamed the government for failing to quicly quell the Han Chinese protests.Within the region capital it was estimated that around 1080 people were injured and already 156 people were dead.
I feel this riot can lead to a bigger problem if not stopped.The affected region is near Chinas border.Since the riots are an internal problems neighbouring countries might take advantage and take over the territory.This can lead to war.I also feel this is quite unfair to the Muslim in the region.Most Muslim are not violent and its difficult for them to retaliate.This is due to their religion.
The government could have made a choice faster to stop this trouble.BUt personally i do not blame the government.China is a big country and the bigger the country is the harder it is to control it.The effect can be felt when we play war games.The more territory we control the harder it is to maintain it.

Saturday, July 11, 2009

'Should Singlish be the official language in Singapore?'

In Singapore almost everyone can speak english.Yet most of them do not talk proper english but rather singlish.Singlish is defined as the english spoken with the Singaporean modifications.It is not the official language and should not be the official language of Singapore.There are multiple reasons for this.

The first reason is because english is the main language across the world. The fact cannot be changed.If Singapore were to use Singlish for the main language , we would not be able to communicate as efficiently as before.If we can not communicate with the world, then complications are possible and we will lead ourself to our downfall.The fact that english is the main language worldwide can not be changed as it is one language almost everyone on the planet understands.

The second reason is that Singlish is a language that only Singaporeans understand.This language is limited to a little nuber of countries which understand it.Another such country is our neighbour Malaysia.Apart from us they too understand SInglish.Other continents such as the United States are clueless when we speak in Singlish

Therefore i conclude that Singlish should not be the official language of Singapore

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Are Singaporeans gracious and socially responsible?

Singapore is a small country and people often wonder how we behave.Are we gracious ? Are we socially responsible? There is no right answer for this question as our youngsters are not really gracious even though their hearts are in the right place. There are many views on this but lets take a look from a Singaporeans point of view.

The first point is the Tsunami of 2004.When the wave hit neighbouring countries they were almost completely crushed . Millions lost their lives . Once the devastation was over the victims of the waves needed time and support to help them recover.Singapore was one of the country that was gracious enough to lend a helping hand . This prove that our government is gracious.

The people are a completely different story.But proof that we are gracious and socially responsible are actually quite common on our public transport .All of Singapore's public transport have seats that are designated for the elderly ,disabled or preagnent.While some choose to ignore the rules , there are in fact a lot of us who let the elderly sit .Most of us give up our seats .This is yet again another point that we are gracious and socially responsibl