Sunday, March 15, 2009

English Language Alternative Assesment

The architect is someone who is certified to design buildings.He also supervises his buildings construction process.Architects are important in making our lifes safer as their decisions on their designs can change everyones life.This is because the mathematical and scientical aspects of the building is the architects job himself.He is responsible for everything that makes up the building and the effects of the building.The architect can not build any building as how they please.Instead they have to abide some local and federal jurisdictions about regulations and building codes.They may also have to follow local height limits,parking requirements,land use or transparency requirements.
Architects have a hard life but it is worth the work.However to get the title architect is another story,it is in simpler terms,a complicated challenge.This espiacially applies in Singapore.There are three major milestones one must pass to become the architect.The first milestone is your 'o'level exams.You must have a minimum grade of 1-6 for english .math and any science combinations or pure.Your other grades must be the same excluding physical education.Once done ,you must apply for the design course available in Singapore polytechnic or other Polytechnics in Singapore.The course lasts two years.Graduating from the course and polytechnic means you have passed the first milestone.The second one is the revered National University of Singapore(NUS).You must apply here in the advanced design course which last for three years .NUS is the only university that is adknowledged by the Board of Architects (BOA) in Singapore.The BOA however accept universities from other countries.The last milestone is the BOA.After graduating from the NUS and attaining a diploma you must now appeal to the BOA showing them your skills ,strong points, and most important how can u achieve thier standard or go even higher.
Even an architect must start small .When you start as an architect ,you will not be given a project.Instead you will work with a professional who will guide you until you are ready. Most architects do not work alone .They have their own team and one day once you have enough experience you will have you own team as well.But for starters you will work as one in the team.Slowly but surely you will advance .Architects typically put projects to tender on behalf of their clients, advise on the award of the project to a general contractor, and review the progress of the work during construction. They typically review subcontractor shop drawings, prepare and issue site instructions, and provide construction contract administration . In many jurisdictions, mandatory certification or assurance of the work is required.Depending on the client's needs and the jurisdiction's requirements, the spectrum of the architect's services may be extensive or less inclusive . With very large, complex projects, an independent construction manager is sometimes hired to assist in design and to manage construction. In the United Kingdom and other countries, a quantity surveyor is often part of the team to provide cost consulting
As the architects job varies so does his pay.Normal architects earn a massive $35000-$45000 a month .The higher your rank the more you receive.Senior architects and partners typically have earnings that exceed $100,000 annually. After completing an intern an architects pay increases to at least $58000.The most inexperienced architect can still receive $20000.It is not unusual for an officer or equity partner to earn a base salary of $235,000, with a bonus of $200,000 and occasionally surpassing, seven figures.These are US sums and singaporean amount is at least double the mentioned sums.This job is and still will be needed till far in the future it may last for decades to come or even a whole milennia.As our technology gets higer so does an architects pay .This means ,the better technology is the better architects pay gets.

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