Saturday, July 18, 2009

'Sri Lankan Conflict' and plot

-S.W.R.D. Bandaranaike became prime minister in 1956 and championed Sinhalese nationalism, making Sinhala the country's only official language

-The Tamil minority's mounting resentment toward the Sinhalese majority's monopoly on political and economic power, exacerbated by cultural and religious differences, erupted in bloody violence in 1983.

-Tamil rebel groups, the strongest of which were the Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam, or Tamil Tigers, began a civil war to fight for separate nation.

-President Ranasinghe Premadasa was assassinated at a May Day political rally in 1993, when a Tamil rebel detonated explosives strapped to himself.

-Tamil extremists have frequently resorted to terrorist attacks against civilians.

-Intense political rivalry threatened the peace process

-On Dec. 26, 2004, a tremendously powerful tsunami ravaged 12 Asian countries.

-About 38,000 people were reported killed in Sri Lanka.

-President Kumaratunga and the Tamil Tigers reached a deal in June 2005 to share about $4.5 billion in international aid to rebuild the country.

-In September talks, the government lifted its ban on the group, and the Tigers dropped their demand for an independent Tamil state.

-Another significant breakthrough came in December when the Tigers and the government struck a power-sharing deal that would give the rebels regional autonomy.

-But negotiations in 2003 achieved little.

-In 2006, repeated violations of the 2002 cease-fire on both sides turned into outright war

-By April, the Tigers were cornered on a small stretch of coastline in the north-east of the country.

-Civilian Tamils streamed out of the area into refugee camps that struggled to provide food and medical attention

- Tiger fighting force was down to as few as 1000 members.


INTRO-Tamil family stuck in raid

- Anand ,son of the family only survivor

- Wanted revenge , joined Tamil tigers

RISING SUSPENSE-After 3 years with tigers he became the leader

- Led them to victory countless times

- Signed peace treaty during 2004 tsunami

- Friend died during violence ,War broke loose

Climax- Launched air raid on sinhala government

- They retaliated ,Tigers on verge of defeat

-Anand captured, remaining cornered on a beach town.

- Described as bloodbath

- Anand makes desparate last stand captured and taken to prison.

RESOLUTION- reflects on life

- Shot to death

- Died at the same spot where he first vowed for revenge

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