Monday, September 21, 2009

Speaking Good English

English is the common language of the world.It is what connects us and enables us to communicate with one another with ease.Yet the language is deterioting where is should be flourishing.One reason is because in todays culture Singlish is becoming popular.

Todays youths prefer to speak singlish over english."There is no appreciation for words and language"a quote from Ms pek Siok Lian,a journalist and film maker.It is quite true as most people are capable of speaking good english but they prefer not to.

Another reason i think english is deterioating is that they do not maintain their language.A normal man may forget english if they do not speak or read english for a long period of time.THe knowlwdge of the language disappears over time.

Some think that we rush through the words and mispronounce the word.Singaporeans often confuse the 'r' consonant with the 'd' or 'l'.However you still see singaporeans conversein the manner though it is not the correct english.As a result some can not produce a proper sentence after their education.

Lack of formal and intensive drilling in the basics is yet another reason why english is deterioating.Even a graduate who does not practice english will eventually deterioate.Sometimes to make up for what they have lost ,they will use short forms of the word .FOr example instead of using the word'THANKS'they will use'thks' ,which is common in our everyday text messaging world.

Advice to avoid speaking in such a manner is to avoid speaking english if you are not sure of the word,practice english even if you are good.

Since most Singaporeans speak this way,in broken engliah,i think we have no right to critizise the way others speak.We should think about ourselves before crtizising others.If it is the way others talk then we should respect it rather than critizise it.Even we have our own way of talking.How would you feel if others cririzised about your english?